Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Physical Experiments

Physical Experiments

To edit this image I printed the image out onto watercolour paper and dripped water down the page which resulted in the ink running in this way. I chose to carry out this physical experiment because I wanted to run the ink down the paper showing how the landscape was melting away. This opens up the ideas around land use, the main idea behind my shoots is to show how the natural landscapes are being ruined, this can be perceived from this effect placed on the image. I thought the water would do more running but there wasn't as much as I had hoped, I most likely will not use this idea in my exam. 

To edit these images I cut them into diagonal sections and stuck them onto paper in a different order merging the two images together. In the computer experiments section I merged these two images together using Photoshop so I wanted to do a similar effect using physical experiments. These two images work well when used together because it shows how there are natural and man-mad land uses that come together to make up the world, it can also show how the man-made uses have negative effects on the natural land uses. I think this physical experiment works well as it shows how the images link together. 

To edit this image I used watercolours on watercolour paper to produce a blue wash, I then scanned this onto the computer and layered it over the original black and white image that I took in Waltham Abbey, I layered the image using soft light to create this effect. I think this works well because it combines photography and painting together and it creates a different effect when compared to just using the normal photo filters. 

To edit this image I printed it out on watercolour paper and left it outside to see what happened. I left the picture overnight and the above was the results, it shows how the ink has run slightly because of the droplets on the image. I experimented with this image before on water colour paper by dropping water down the image but I think this worked better because it shows how natural forces changed the image. To take this image further I could've left it out for longer but I didn't want the rain to completely destroy the image. I think I am going to use this technique for my exam shoots. 

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