Monday, 16 April 2018

Work Record 8; Stratford

Work Record 8; Stratford

Plans for Shoot:
In this shoot I plan to progress the images that I created in the previous shoot, shoot 7. I am going back to Stratford, in the Olympic Park, to try and capture better images than before and also try to progress on with the light trails that I created on the M25. In the previous shoots I have taken I took the images during the day but I am planning on travelling when it is dark to capture a different atmosphere in the same locations. As well as taking images using the light trails I can also capture images in the dark that represent land use, in this area there are very modern buildings which I have also included in some of my previous shoots. 

Research Influence:
In this shoot I am going to be looking at some light trails so this relates back to my previous shoots of the M25 where I took pictures of the cars producing light trails. The photographer that relates to light trails is Ian Egner, he mainly looks at cars producing light trails but this can still link into the images that I am going to produce. 

In this image we can see that Egner has created a light trail with his camera. This image relates to land use because it shows how the man-made land use of a road is constantly used by people, this is shown by the extent of the light trail formed. I want to carry this technique on within my work because it adds an effect to the image that I am taking. This photographer doesn't necessarily focus on land use but he does show how land is used within his images. I chose to research him because I want to use his idea of the light trails. 

Contact Sheet:
All the images that I have taken on this shoot are presented below in a contact sheet:

Best Images:

In the image above we can see a funfair which is located in Stratford just outside Westfield. I chose to take the image in this way because of the bright lights in the location, it relates back to the images I took on the M25 bridge with the light trails. This image was taken at a quick shutter speed because there is no blur or light trails however, I did carry the light trail effect on further in the shoot with a slower shutter speed. This image related to land use because it shows a different approach to what I have already looked at where the land is used for fun rather than for industrial uses. This image can also be linked back to my photographers, Ian Egner photographs in the dark which is represented here and few other of the photographers such as Eric De Mare and John Davies compose their images similarly to the one I have produced above. 

This image is similar to the image above but it was taken at a different angle and with different settings to capture some light trails within the image. The carousel is moving so a light trail is created because of the long exposure time I used. This shows land use similarly to the last image as it shows how land is used for fun rather than the modern/industrial uses that I have documented in the previous shoots. It is related back to the photographers I have researched because it shows elements of Ian Egner's light trails and similar compositions to the photographers like Eric De Mare and John Davies. To further these images I can experiments with them in Photoshop by chaining the saturation of the images or the colours within the image but I can also produce images that are taken in the day time to show a comparison between these images. 

This image was taken in the same place as the two images above but on from the other side of the bridge, we can see a road and a train track which are surrounded by modern buildings. When comparing the images above to this one it shows how some parts of Central London are considered 'classier' than others. This image shows that the area is wealthy because of the buildings located. The fact that this image was taken in the dark gives it a different atmosphere compared to when it is taken in the day. This links to land use because it shows how land is used for transport and how it is used for modern/industrial buildings. The image can be related to the previous photographers that I have looked at such as John Davies and Eric De Mare because the composition of their images are similar to this one and they show effects of industrial land uses. 

AO3: Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions, reflecting critically on work and progress.

By looking at the images that I have produced within this shoot I think that I have produced a successful bank of images which relate to the previous shoots I have carried out and that will also link to the exam shoots I am going to carry out. I chose to carry out this shoot in the dark because it opens up the experiments that I can carry out such as producing light trails, it also enables me to compare the nigh time shoots with the shoots I carried out during the day. I focused mainly on the light trails in this shoot, if I carry out this location in my exam shoots I am going to focus on the landscapes around the funfair as well as it too. The images I have produced all link to the various photographers that I have researched.

With regards to my best images...
These images that I have produced can all link back to the research that I have carried out. The first two images link to the photographer Ian Egner because they show light trails and images taken in the dark. All the images can be linked to John Davies and Eric De Mare because they all have similar compositions, they take landscape images which include features of land uses which I have produced above. All these images link to land use because it shows how land is used for fun as wells as for modern buildings, transport and industrial factors. To progress these images further I can create exam shoots which relate to this shoot.

AO2Explore and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes, reviewing and refining ideas as work develops.

To capture these images I used a Nikon D3300 camera with a tripod. When capturing the actual images the settings I used varied because I need a long exposure for the light trails that were created but also needed a quick shutter speed for the standard landscape images produced. The settings that were used for the standard landscape images were, 1/6s shutter speed, f/3.8 and ISO 3200, the ISO needed to be high because there was low light. The settings used for the light trail images were, 1.0s shutter speed, f/10 and ISO 100. Using both these settings helped achieve the images above. 

Next I took some of the images into Photoshop...

To edit this image I made it black and white and then put the warming photo filter on top of the black and white to create this outcome. This isn't necessarily the approach that I am going to take in the exam shoots but it was an experiment. This effect will not look good on all of my images but I think it works in a way with this image because it links to previous images from different times which were produced with this sepia effect, it relates to times when the camera first came about. The original image is bright and colourful so I wanted to create an opposite effect within the image which I think I have achieved. 

To edit this image I used the curve filter to make the image slightly darker, I also used the hue and saturation filter to desaturate the image. The outcome of this is presented above, I think by editing this image like this changed the atmosphere of the image because it is less colourful and not as bright. Like the image before this is just an experiment that I carried out so I most likely won't be carrying this onto my exam shoots but that descends on the images I produce there. 

To edit this image I used the curves filter to brighten the image slightly and then I layered the warming photo filter over the top of the image which produced the outcome above. I think the filter works well within the image because it makes the road stands out more as it becomes brighter. The main element within the edited picture that I like is the change of the sky because the purple effect gives a more eerie effect than the original dark blue sky. 

AO4: Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and, where appropriate, makes connections between visual and other elements. 

Below are the images that I believe are the best from this shoot. I have chosen to include the two first images as original pictures with no editing because they work well on their own without editing. The last image I included is the edited version of the image which works better than the original image as it presents the image in more of and eerie light with the purple sky. All of these images work well together because they show different insights of the location. I think I have represented land use well within these images because they show how land is used for fun elements but also for modern buildings, transport and industrial use. Also, within this shoot I have linked my outcomes with the photographers I have researched, the light trails that I have produced with the funfair relate to Ian Egner and the composition of the images that I have used relate to John Davies and Eric De Mare. 

To progress further in my work I need to decide the exam shoots that I am going to carry out and how I am going to use experimentation within my exam. I also need to produce the preparatory shoots ready for the exam. 

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Interim Evaluation

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